In this message from Rev. Huggins, he shares how “You’ve got to make a commitment, you’ve got to love, and you’ve got to share.”
In this message from Rev. Huggins, he shares how “You’ve got to make a commitment, you’ve got to love, and you’ve got to share.”
In this message, Rev. Huggins shares a message that outlines how eternal life is not a reward for jumping through the hoops, it is a gift that we are given from Jesus.
In our society today, there are many labels that get thrown around. In this message from Rev. Huggins, we hear a message from Luke that illustrates why we shouldn’t isolate others based on their labels.
Debt is a standard in most of our lives. Being indebted can mean a lot of things, but in this message from Rev. Huggins, we hear about a message that tells about the one that can cancel that debt.
In this message from Rev. Huggins, he shares from a background in small-town West Virginia. In that area, he recalls how many people would give freely. Listen as he shares this lesson from I Kings and compares it to the generosity that we should all have.
On this Memorial Day weekend, Rev. Huggins shared a message about prayer from Luke that centered around a Centurion that was concerned about his servant. Listen to this message that embodies why it is important to continue to pray for others.
The message from Rev. Huggins examined an age old discussion regarding how the Church examined the Trinity. On Trinity Sunday, we learn that it is God’s wisdom that helps each of us along our path of life.
On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Huggins shares a message from Acts. The thought of a day where 15 different people from different nations each heard the word of God in their own language at the same time lead into a message and a question. What can you do to change the world?
After a trip that included many visits to historical landmarks in Paris, France, Pastor Huggins shared a message about the similarities that Jesus faced and some of our own challenges that we face in America today. How does Jesus’ message play out in your daily life?