Conor shared a message about what it means to be a servant. As much as we should be a follower and servant to God, we should be as well servants to one another.
Conor shared a message about what it means to be a servant. As much as we should be a follower and servant to God, we should be as well servants to one another.
With so many voices screaming at us each day, it is important to listen for the voice of our shepherd. How do we train ourselves to hear our shepherd’s voice? Immersing yourself in the place where you can clearly hear the voice is one of the first ways. How else? Listen and find out why.
Dick shared a message based on a lecture he had from a prominent minister in his history. Hear how the “stuff” that happens in churches applies to our lives and our religious lives.
From the influence of George Buttrick, Rev. Huggins had Paul Scherer as a professor. Rev. Huggins gave a message as a student before Scherer where Scherer commented “you could preach the yellow pages effectively, but that was no sermon.” This Lutheran preacher had a distinct impact on Dick.
Continuing the series on Pastors that shaped his ministry, Rev. Huggins shared how Conrad “Connie” Steinbrenner helped grow Dick’s faith. From high school through college, marriage, and life, Connie helped Dick down his own faith journey.
With the confession that he is a product of the Social Gospel of the 20th Century, Rev. Huggins shared this message about the interpretation of the Bible as it applies to our modern society. Listen and share today!
We are all disciples, which includes a long list of the things we should be doing. In the root beginning of our faith, we see how even an isolated unassuming event can blossom and grow into a world changing event.
With Rev. Huggins on vacation, Dr. Fred Halde shared a message with McLeod about the need to be identified as a Christian. With scripture from the 133 Psalm, and John’s 13th chapter, the message led toward proving our dedication through our actions. McLeod was glad that Dr. Halde visited us, and we look forward to him joining us again in the fall!
In this season of resolutions, Pastor Huggins points out a lesson from John that explains where we are now. In the period following Jesus’ birth, it is important to acknowledge that each of us is called to live fully and with purpose.
How do our everyday decisions matter in our lives? This message from Rev. Huggins examines how the disciples were faced with decisions, and how it pertains to our daily decisions.