From the seed buried in the dark and alone, to the emergence of the first sprout from the ground, life is all about new beginnings. Listen as Jennifer Hallberg shares a message about how each of us can begin anew.
From the seed buried in the dark and alone, to the emergence of the first sprout from the ground, life is all about new beginnings. Listen as Jennifer Hallberg shares a message about how each of us can begin anew.
Approaching Maundy Thursday and Easter, Rev. Gilbert conveys a message about how God takes care of us and mitigates our need to worry. Christ urged his followers then (and today) to trust in God.
In this message from Rev. Weber, she reflects on the passage from Mark and the meaning of Jesus’ tale to the wealthy man. Listen as she examines the meaning of sharing your wealth in this sermon.
“If the earthly house is destroyed, there is a building made by God in the heavens” Rev. Hunt opens his message with. He shared a message that reinforces the importance of us not losing heart and our relationship with God that is like a mother, a brother, a sister, or a father.
“The greatest weakness of the Church today” states rev. Carson “is the lack of understanding of the Bible.” As he outlines comparisons to ancient civilizations, listen as he shares a message on the importance of having a deeper understanding of the Bible in today’s age.
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Emeritus Huggins shares a message of Jesus’ return. Following on what happened after the crucifixion, he illustrates the disciples actions and elaborates on Jesus’ message to his followers after he rose from the dead.
As part of the sermon this morning, Rev. Weber opened with a passage from Abraham Lincoln; “We should pray and consider earnestly if we are on God’s side.” As Rev. Weber delved into the passages from the Psalms and John, she tells how important it is to focus on God and worship him without failing.
Moses was the guy with the “God connection”. As both an intermediary and a leader, Moses served a number of purposes to help God and his people. Listen as Rev. Belusa shares a message about how our actions everyday mirror those of Moses.
In this message from Rev. Weber, she shares a message about Paul’s letters to the Phillipians and how it measures up against a message from famed author Dr. Seuss. Specifically, she uses the tale of the Lorax to draw similarities to Paul’s letters, and to our lives today.