Worship Guide:
Opening Hymn:
” Take My Life and Let It Be”
“Enthusiasm Makes the Difference”
Closing Hymn:
“Blest Be the Tie That Binds”
” Take My Life and Let It Be”
“Enthusiasm Makes the Difference”
“Blest Be the Tie That Binds”
“Be Thou My Vision”
“My Faith Looks Up to Thee”
When you are a parent, you learn the things you should (and should not) say. Your children educate you. Rev. Carson opens a message about things changing with this statement. Throughout the message, he shows where changes are usually for the better.
In a message fueled by the history of Martin Luther, Richard Cali shares about how the Reformation Changed Everything. Reading from Romans and combining with other biblical history, Cali shares an insightful message outlining why Luther’s actions were instrumental to the Presbyterian Church of today.
In this message from Pastor Emertius Huggins, we hear about Paul and his directions around love. As he takes on topics like the recent NFL kneeling controversy, hear how the word of God speaks to each of us.
Rev. Huggins worked with Thornwell Home for Children for a good portion of his career. During our Mission season he invited Dr. Dennis Reid, Florida Regional Advancement Officer for Thornwell, to share in worship. Dennis shared his tale of trying to throw away a trash can, and the persistence of God’s love for us.
Rev. Huggins message this morning revolved around “Random Acts of Kindness” – although it might not be exactly the sermon you’re expecting from the title!
How does conformity affect your life? Pastor Huggins outlines how the Bible says we should approach conformity in this morning’s message: “The Pressure to Conform.
Ted Mathis shares with the congregation about the power and importance of Prayer in today’s message.